you can save a few bucks on the processor. no need for a 3200+. a 3000+ will do just as good, even if you don't plan to overclock it. more ram and/or a beefier vidcard will benefit you A LOT more then 200MHz on the cpu.
if you are on the more adventurous side (this still is madshrimps so a little bit of overclocking is still a must
) you could easely overclock that processor and even go for a cheaper 6800 version and unlock the pipelines. they have a fairly good chance of working and with rivatuner. it's all done through software. if you screw up, just install rivatuner and everything is back to normal. there are plenty of guides on the web about this.
1gig op ram also is a must have for current games. JMke even mentioned that more then 1gig is starting to pay off in games like battlefield2.