M3 Macbook Air - same old, same old

@ 2024/03/15
About as fixable as the Middle East

The iFixit team have voided the latest M3 MacBook Air warranty to see how repairable it is and discovered that there is not much difference under the bonnet from the last model.

It's déjÃ* vu all over again. The guts of this 'brand-spanking-new' laptop are a spitting image of the old M2. Four screws, a couple of batteries stuck down with glue and a logic board that's hogging all the space up top.

Remember how the M2's SSD was slower than a snail on a go-slow? Apple has had a change of heart. The M3 has a quicker dual-chip SSD.

Apple's slapped on some U-shaped sticky stuff that will make battery removal slightly easier. But don't be fooled – it's still a fortress, with iFixit giving it a middling 5 out of 10 for repairability.

So, unless you're a whiz with a screwdriver, you will still have to go to the ironically titled Genius bar and pay a fortune to have it fixed.

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