Samsung is buying more fab gear from ASML

@ 2023/11/15
Gunning for TSMC

Samsung, the world’s second-biggest contract chip fabrication firm, wants to knock TSMC from its top slot by 2030.

The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell-on-earth yarn, claiming that Samsung is buying more advanced chip fabrication equipment from ASML.

@Tech_Reve claims that the South Korean firm will import additional EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet) chip fabrication equipment from ASML, the Netherlands-based firm that is the leader in the segment, next year.

The claim is short on details other than that Samsung Electronics will import 50 units from ASML over the next five years. This will cost more than $153 million.

EUV exposure accounts for more than half of the cost and time. While it is more efficient than older processes because it imprints the circuit design on a chip in one go, it costs a bomb and is tricky to make.

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