iPhone 7 will stop working properly soon

@ 2023/04/07
We doubt anyone will notice

iPhone owners who have been saving money by using older phones and not updating their iOS are going to have a nasty surprise later this year.

Apparently, Apple does not like the idea that people are gaming the system and getting value from their expensive toys and is about to drop support for devices that still use old versions of iOS when it releases iOS 17 later this year.

This includes any iPhones still using iOS 11 to iOS 11.2.6. Apple will punish such users by preventing them from using critical software including Maps, Siri, and the App Store.

The Tame Apple Press is doing its best to point out that since the iPhone 7 came out in 2016 it is unreasonable for Jobs Mob to support it.

“Maybe you deserve to lose access to your apps if you haven't managed to install a single update since then,” sniffed one newspaper.

It's worth noting that the iPhone 7 doesn't support the latest version of iOS 16 either, but it is possible to update it to iOS 15.

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