Foxconn X58 Quantum Force BloodRage Overclocking Test

Overclocking/Overclocking Tests by windwithme @ 2009-01-13

Foxconn has moved aggressively forward in the retail market, previously only OEM supplier they are now pushing hard to get their brand recognized by end users. Their latest motherboard is based on Intel high end X58 chipset. Their naming schemes are not a mumbo jumbo of numbers and letters, but actually really eye-catching, like their P35 MARS, X48 Blackops, and now the X58 Blood Rage.

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Packaging and Box Contents


Foxconn has moved aggressively forward in the retail market, previously only OEM supplier they are now pushing hard to get their brand recognized by end users. Their latest motherboard is based on Intel high end X58 chipset. Their naming schemes are not a mumbo jumbo of numbers and letters, but actually really eye-catching, like their P35 MARS, X48 Blackops, and now the X58 Blood Rage.

How does this Foxconn high end board perform when tweaked and overclocked, time to take a closer look. Let us start with a shot of the fancy Quantum Force packaging:

Madshrimps (c)

Inside you’ll find the usual suspects: manual, installation guide and other documentation:

Madshrimps (c)

Accessories include SATA cables (straight and L-hook), I/O shield, additional north bridge fan.

Madshrimps (c)

Foxconn Blood Rage comes bundled with a separate sound card “Sonar X-Fi”. You also get two alternative cooling solutions for the north bridge, a water block and container for Liquid Nitrogen!

Madshrimps (c)

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