Gainward Bliss 9800 GTX PCX 512MB Video Card Review

Videocards/VGA Reviews by geoffrey @ 2008-04-06

In this review we take a closer look at the latest product from Gainward, based on the recently released 9800 GTX we compare the BLISS´ performance in several games, and find out how cool and quiet this new high end video card is. Read on to learn more.

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Official website

This latest game based on the Unreal 3 engine has been getting rave reviews for delivering an immersive first person shooter experience. You crash land with your plane near and underwater city and explore the depths of it for coming 20 or so gameplay hours. The art style and details really make this “shooter” stand out from the rest, and with a gripping story will have you playing it for hours on end.

Madshrimps (c)

Utterly fast performance, none of the cards really struggled playing Bioshock at high image details and high resolution, adding Anti-Aliasing may change a thing or two. This time the HD3870 from ATI came out surprisingly well by beating the NV 8800GT, the 9800GTX however is out of reach, with average FPS up to 94 it sticks out with head and shoulders over the competition.

Madshrimps (c)
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