COOLINK Typhoon Copper Liquid Block for S478 processors

Cooling/Water Cooling by biCker @ 2003-09-10

Heck, my 3 months sabbat is over... Time to start doing some reviews again! The first victim of my reviewing skills will be the Cool Typhoon Copper Liquid Block (Water Block). This is a waterblock produced by Coolink

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Test Setup

Test Setup

The Coolink water block was used in combination with an Eheim 1250 pump, a Watercool Heat-Transformer 2x double radiator with two Papst 120mm fans mounted, an Innovatank-o-matic reservoir and in serial combination with a Geforce 4 GPU water block.

Madshrimps (c)

The water goes through the pump, into the radiator, then passes the CPU, the GPU and finally into the reservoir where the loops restarts.

As for the PC, I'll be using a PIV 2.4 533FSB, with a core voltage going from stock 1.50v to 1.65V.

Let’s take a look at the test results…

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