Closer Look:Of the three cards, the PD19 is the smallest with only 3.2mm in thickness and weighs in a mere 3 grams. For comparison these mini flash drives are much smaller than the traditional flash we use to seeing.
PD18 has a more traditional look in design, while both PD17 and PD19 have different unique designs of their own. Comparing to regular size USB flash drives or a U.S. Penny, these mini drives from A-DATA are indeed "mini".
PD 17: Similar to retractable utility knife design, the PD-17 connection slides in and out. The USB connector is different than what we've used to seeing. The "key way" is no longer built in making it much thinner. Nevertheless, the proper orientation for insertion would be from trial and error.
PD 18: The largest of the three, PD-18 resembles the traditional design only differs in size. The cap could be inserted to the lanyard provided, a nice feature to prevent loss after use.
PD 19: Similar to PD-17 in a "swing out" design, the PD-19 is the smallest of the three.
Slim and Fit:Let's find out how they perform next .