NVIDIA 7950 GT Roundup - Speedbump to High End

Videocards/VGA Reviews by geoffrey @ 2006-12-03

At the beginning of September NVIDIA released their reincarnation of the G71 based GeForce 7900 GT. As midrange card the 7900GT seem to be the best buy for a big group of gamers in the first half of 2006. This time around they’ve given the mid-range card a speed boost to high end! With world leading VGA partners offering their version right away let´s see which can give us the best 7950 GT.

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Official website

FEAR is a game which relies on its excellent enemy AI to deliver an enjoyable experience, the in-game graphics are far from bad, with a nice slow-motion (matrix style) effect which does add to the game play overall. However the maps are quite dull (office complexes) with very monotone colors. The models are highly detailed with high resolution textures and they look great there's also a very convincing lighting engine which casts shadows correctly to create the desired atmosphere of 'FEAR'. I loaded up the training level were u get in touch with a 'very special girl' for the first time.

Madshrimps (c)
Madshrimps (c)

F.E.A.R. 's image quality combined with advanced lightning asks the most of these 7950GT's. ASUS and Sparkle seem to be always a few FPS behind our top performer. The fast action asks for high framerate. You might stick with 1280*1024 2xAA as highest setting. Anything more might be considered as to heavy.

Madshrimps (c)
Madshrimps (c)

Huge framedrops at high resolution. With enemy's shooting at you the game will just not be fun to play anymore.
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