NVIDIA 7950 GT Roundup - Speedbump to High End

Videocards/VGA Reviews by geoffrey @ 2006-12-03

At the beginning of September NVIDIA released their reincarnation of the G71 based GeForce 7900 GT. As midrange card the 7900GT seem to be the best buy for a big group of gamers in the first half of 2006. This time around they’ve given the mid-range card a speed boost to high end! With world leading VGA partners offering their version right away let´s see which can give us the best 7950 GT.

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Serious Sam 2

Serious Sam 2
Official website

Serious Sam 2 is a cartoon-like first person shooters which features many onscreen enemies rushing at you in waves, having a high frame rate ensures an enjoyable experience. For good benchmarking results I used the in-game Record Demo option which is nothing more then saving the scene you just went true and replay. The Siriusopolis Uptown map was used. SS2 has a flexible graphics engine, but once you increase the quality settings to high/maximum you’ll find it’s very taxing on even the fastest systems. Using med/high detail these mid-range cards offer okay performance at acceptable resolutions.

Madshrimps (c)
Madshrimps (c)

Serious Sam 2 is taxing our competitors quite a bit. For the best gameplay you might stick with 1280*960, certainly with all those enemies you will have to face FPS drops many times.

Madshrimps (c)
Madshrimps (c)

This time our SuperClocked EVGA card will not safe us, at 1600*1200 the game certainly looks nice, but consider it not good playable with any of these 7950 GT's.
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