NVIDIA 7950 GT Roundup - Speedbump to High End

Videocards/VGA Reviews by geoffrey @ 2006-12-03

At the beginning of September NVIDIA released their reincarnation of the G71 based GeForce 7900 GT. As midrange card the 7900GT seem to be the best buy for a big group of gamers in the first half of 2006. This time around they’ve given the mid-range card a speed boost to high end! With world leading VGA partners offering their version right away let´s see which can give us the best 7950 GT.

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TES: Oblivion

TES: Oblivion
Official website

The Oblivion graphics engine can be very taxing for even the fastest hardware once you increase the level of detail. There is also a difference in performance compared running outside, in city area or inside a dungeon, the outside is most taxing for the graphics card, the town area is noticeably easier on the GPU while the dungeon is usually less taxing of all. We tested the heaviest environment. Since nVidia 7900 series VGA cards do not allow to run HDR and Anti-aliasing at the same time, we took HDR/0xAA and no-HDR/2xAA as image quality settings for this test.

Madshrimps (c)
Madshrimps (c)

HDR is something you should enable when playing Oblivion, but watch out with your other image quality settings. We've put everything on high, but you might tweak it a bit more to have better gameplay, certainly when doing outdoor battles. It's easy to see where we were located in-game: on the left side of the chart we were walking around in the open nature, while our framerate seem to raise the closer we get to the Imperial City gates. A gameplay movie of this run-through can be seen here.

Madshrimps (c)
Madshrimps (c)

1600*1200 is really beautiful with HDR enabled. But with an average framerate of around 20fps in open nature scenes you might want to stick to 1280*1024.
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