Powercolor X1800 GTO and MSI 7600 GT Reviewed

Videocards/VGA Reviews by geoffrey @ 2006-07-28

How high can you turn up the resolution and detail with these mid-range VGA cards? We evaluate their performance in six different games to give you the answer. Read on to find out how much *oomph* you can get for your money. The Powercolor X1800 GTO and MSI NX7600GT-T2D256EZ (the one with passive cooling) are tested.

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Serious Sam 2

Serious Sam 2
Official website

Serious Sam 2 is a cartoon-like first person shooters which features many onscreen enemies rushing at you in waves, having a high frame rate ensures an enjoyable experience. For good benchmarking results I used the in-game Record Demo option which is nothing more then saving the scene you just went true and replay. The Siriusopolis Uptown map was used. SS2 has a flexible graphics engine, but once you increase the quality settings to high/maximum you?ll find it?s very taxing on even the fastest systems. Using med/high detail these mid-range cards offer okay performance at acceptable resolutions. Do note in the benchmarks below that the 7600GT is remarkably lower mostly due to the GPU speed throttling and decreasing the performance, the 7600GT is not running at full speed

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Increasing the AA/AF doesn?t impact performance much, it at all, the X1800GTO delivers acceptable frame rates for a fluent game play experience.

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

At 1280x960 results decrease noticeably, the FPS dips below 40FPS for quite a long period, which brings down average FPS to the verge of playability for the X1800GTO.
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