Powercolor X1800 GTO and MSI 7600 GT Reviewed

Videocards/VGA Reviews by geoffrey @ 2006-07-28

How high can you turn up the resolution and detail with these mid-range VGA cards? We evaluate their performance in six different games to give you the answer. Read on to find out how much *oomph* you can get for your money. The Powercolor X1800 GTO and MSI NX7600GT-T2D256EZ (the one with passive cooling) are tested.

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Conclusive Thoughts

Madshrimps (c)

Conclusive Thoughts

The past several game performance pages we have not mentioned the score of MSI 7600 GT, the reason being that its results don?t accurately present those from a reference 7600 GT model, we were disappointed to discover that video card was (falsely?) reporting high temperatures and decreasing GPU speed, thereby lowering performance. We hope MSI can find out what the exact cause is, we?ll keep you updated on their findings.

The Powercolor X1800 GTO provided ample power to play the latest games with high detail at 1024x768 and slightly older games at even higher detail at 1280x1024, here?s an overview of the resolutions and AA/AF we found we could play these games comfortably at:

Madshrimps (c)

The reference cooler on the X1800 GTO is good enough to keep the GPU from overheating without creating a terrible amount of noise, do note that at full fan speed you will notice it clearly, luckily it speed throttles effectively and 2D becomes whisper quiet, and only slightly noisier at medium speed (which was enough for providing sufficient cooling)

Which card to pick? Depending on the games you play, how much noise you tolerate, what your budget is and how much you plan to overclock either card has its advantages. Instead of calling a winner, we let you decide which card will fit you best, as both are SLI/Crossfire capable, what motherboard you have now (plan to buy) will play a role among other things.

I would like to thank Powercolor for lending us their X1800 GTO, but I would also like to Wallabie computers for the MSI NX7600GT-T2D256EZ.

Questions/Comments: forum thread
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