Lord of the RAM, Return of the MushkinG

Memory by KeithSuppe @ 2005-05-16

Mushkin has been a supplier of quality PC and Server based memory since the days of SDRAM. Today [M] has been invited along on Mushkin?s latest excursion as they once again prove themselves worthy as the DDR Ring Bearer, and the Lord of the RAM.

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1GB EM3200 (2x512MB)

2x512MB EM3200

Madshrimps (c)

Mushkin's Enhanced Performance category may be considered their "budget" DDR, but make no mistake it's low cost doesn't equate to a lower standard of performance. While its performance wasn't always on par with other enthusiast type parts, our EM3200 991455 2x512MB modules overclocked well beyond their rated speed. I gained an additional level of respect for Mushkin after I'd shared my initial findings with them. While they could have remained silent and simply reaped the potential rush of orders such overclocking results may provoke after seen in a review, they made it clear my results were well beyond what one should expect and they wanted that made clear. While it's a known fact overclocking is primarily 10% skill and 99% luck, I've been guilty myself of reading a review where a part had done exceptionally well and based my purchase decision on wishful thinking. Most of the memories sent to me were pre-packaged production parts ready for sale, with the exception of a few. Some part numbers and SPD ID’s will be changed by the time you read this however, each memory linked to the Mushkin site reflects the performance of that exact part. For this specific memory, the serial number on the heat spreader has been changed and the parts tested here will carry the number listed above 991455. To reiterate this is an external discrepancy only. While I've only included two series of tests, this is a part one may want to take note of especially given its price. Our 1GB kit of EM3200 (2x512MB) ran at: 10x200FSB CL2.5-3-2-6 (2.6V), 9x250 CL3-3-3-8 (2.8V).

Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

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