ECS H57H-MUS (V1.0A) LGA1156 Motherboard Review

Motherboards/Intel S1156 by stefan @ 2011-03-03

Designed to support latest Intel CPUs with integrated graphics and built around Intel's H57 chipset, the H57H-MUS board from ECS also features a complete bundle composed of a USB 3.0 and SATA 6G expansion card, which makes the board a future-proof powerful computing platform, in a mATX board format.

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The BIOS main menu is alike many AMI BIOSes I have presented in the past, from other motherboards. Only the overclocking menu name seems to differ, the MB Intelligent BIOS III:





In the Standard CMOS Setup menu, we can set the system date, time, but we can also see the installed HDDs in the SATA and eSATA port:






In the Advanced Setup menu, we can enable/disable the Thermal Management, enable/disable the CPU features like C1E, VT or EIST, set the boot devices or enable/disable the eJIFFY function, which is the Linux bootable distribution from ECS, that can be set to start before the normal OS:






In the Advanced Chipset Setup menu, we can set the PAVP mode ( Protected Audio Video Path ) and the Memory Remap Feature:






In the Integrated Peripherals menu, we can set the SATA configuration, the SATA mode, enable/disable the onboard chips like both the LAN controllers, the audio codec and so on:






In the Power Management Setup menu, we can set the usual power management features:






In the PCI/PnP Setup menu, we only have one option, to set what display adapter to initialize first:






In the PC Health Status menu, we can set the Smart Fan Function, the Shutdown temperature; here we can also see the CPU, System temperature and the fan speeds, along with the voltages; we can also enable/disable the case open warning:






In the M.I.B. III menu, most of the options are disabled by default, till we enable them. Here we can set the CPU ratio, the DRAM frequency, the DRAM timings, the CPU Host clock or the PCI-E clock:






In the same screen, we can set the voltages for the CPU, CPU VTT, DIMM or CPU VAXG. On the bottom we can see the summary of the options we have set:






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