InnoVISION Inno3D GeForce GT 240 Video Card Review

Videocards/VGA Reviews by stefan @ 2010-04-09

The GeForce GT 240 I have tested and reviewed in this article is made by InnoVISION and it sports one of the latest GPUs from Nvidia which supports some interesting technologies like Purevideo, CUDA and PhysX and it is made on the newer 40nm technology.

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The card performed well in most of the benchmarks and all the games I have tested are playable at 1280x1024 resolutions, without AA; with AntiAliasing, the video card has lower performance and sometimes the frames drop lower than needed to assure smooth gaming.

The card does not feature an extra power connector which is a plus and tells us of the low power consumption this card does have.

This board does also feature PhysX and CUDA, which helps in games and various other applications. Kaspersky just announced that their latest antivirus will support CUDA and virus scans will be much faster.

The only minus I see at the card is that it does not feature a SLI connector, which would have helped a lot to increase the performance by adding a second identical card. Also, software SLI is not working and this was also confirmed by Nvidia representatives. It is questionable why they took such a decision because older video cards like 8500GT support this software SLI feature ( which is SLI without the bridge ).

You may also ask yourselves why there are some results missing for this video card in the Unigine Heaven chart. That is because the benchmark was simply locking after the load screen, it was only displaying a black screen and the FPS counter, at both 1600x1200 and 1920x1200 4xAA.

I would like to thank again to InnoVISION for offering me this sample for review.


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