CHERRY KW 7100 Mini BT Multi-Device Compact Keyboard Review

Others/Mice & Keyboards by stefan @ 2024-05-26

KW 7100 MINI BT is an universal peripheral, meant to be used with multiple devices at once such as the smartphone, tablet, laptop, TV, miniPC and so on. The connection procedure is easy, while the keys are silent and easy to actuate; we did really enjoy the possibility of keeping the keyboard at a raised angle thanks to the included kickstands, while the carry case is meant to protect the product from damages but also from dust when it is not used.

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Packaging, A Closer Look Part I

In this article we will concentrate our attention upon another cost-effective product from CHERRY, a multi-device, compact keyboard with three different BT channels, available in no less than 3 color schemes and featuring CHERRY SX Scissor Technology switches: KW 7100 MINI BT.


The compact keyboard is shipped inside a slim cardboard enclosure, showing a photo of the product on the top cover, but also the keyboard layout:




A big, red CHERRY logo is present on the frame of the box:




Nearby, we will locate the product serial number, the production date code, the internal code name but also the key layout:




CHERRY has also placed a side view of the keyboard on the box:




The bottom area includes the main product features, the box contents list but also the system requirements, in multiple languages:




After unsealing the box and lifting the top cover, we will note that the KW 7100 MINI BT also comes with a protective cover:




Besides that, we will note the installation guide, along with a set of batteries:




The guide is multi-language and we will get from there useful instructions such as the pairing procedure, but also how to access the keys with double functions:





The full list of technical specifications is also present here:




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