Others/Mice & Keyboards by stefan @ 2020-03-25

In order to try out the new SCIMITAR RGB ELITE, we fired up Grim Dawn, TERA but also StarCraft II; after positioning the Key Slider Control system to our liking, the 12-button assembly was easily accessible for accessing our macros. We could work with the spells/actions faster than accessing the keyboard keys and during this time the mouse shape did really help as well regarding comfort. For other game types such as FPS we would go though with lighter mice though, since this model weights about 122g without the cable.

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A Closer Look Part III

As with most mainstream and high-end mice, we are getting a braided cable, but it is not as flexible as we have seen with other models:




The USB connector customization features the CORSAIR logo as well:




The LED lighting is making its presence seen as soon as the mouse is connected to a spare port; four different segments can be individually configured:






The 12-button segment is much more visible thanks to the integrated lighting system:






In the front, near the scroll wheel we have a light segment as well, that will shine on the surface of the pad:




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