Fnatic Gear Duel Modular Gaming Headset Review

Audio/Others by stefan @ 2017-02-15

The Fnatic Gear Duel is hands-down the most interesting headset we have tested so far in our labs in terms of modularity. Thanks to the innovative design from AIAIAI, the product can be disassembled to the last bit, in order to obtain a configuration which will better suit our current needs.

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A Closer Look Part IV

A closer look at the housing also reveals the mounting points for the supplied earpads:




Inside each opening of the speaker unit chassis, we will find a plastic pin that helps with the positioning of the driver onto the headband:




Duel comes with two sets of earpads: a on-ear slim one for all-round purposes in order to be used mainly outside, but also an over ear set with a thicker padding for a more accurate sound representation, comfort and isolation during gaming tournaments or for watching multimedia content while at home:







The product documentation is supplied inside a black envelope:





Here we will find the assembly instructions but also a Quick Guide:





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