Tronsmart Vega S95 Telos Android 4K Media Player Review

Others/All-in-one PC by stefan @ 2016-01-27

The Tronsmart Vega S95 Telos is performing as promised by the manufacturer, being able to playback 4K content without any issues at all and at the same time it is able to output at this resolution with a frequency of 60Hz. We do get plenty of possibilities to connect extra storage to it via the included USB 2.0 ports, the SATA Data/Power interface but also via LAN, Wi-Fi or even the SD Card reader. The 3D performance of the product is also quite decent so considering that we do actually have a fully-functional Android 5.1.1 mini-PC on our hands, we can install plenty of other applications on it via Play Store.

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The Software GUI Part II

From the Display menu we can adjust the current Screen resolution, Screen position, Screen rotation or the Daydream feature. We can confirm that 4K@60Hz option is available and works perfectly:



The Sounds menu comes with two sub-sections, System sounds and Digital sounds:



The Apps menu will show us the currently downloaded applications, the system applications, running apps and so on:



Next we do have the Storage & Reset menu which is quite self-explanatory:



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