G.Skill Ripjaws 4 F4-3000C15Q-GRR 16GB Memory Kit Review

Memory by leeghoofd @ 2015-03-02

With the release of Intel's high end X99 platform aka Haswell-E last year DDR4 became available for the big masses. Besides the massive available bandwidth these DDR4 modules can also pack a far higher density per stick. All this goodness is available at your disposal while requiring a mere 1.2-1.35Volts. Only drawback, as with each new technology at launch is the high retail price, Things have settled a bit and prices are slowly plummeting. Today we have a look at one of G.Skill enthusiast kits: the Ripjaws 4 F4-3000C15Q quad channel kit. While they have even faster kits in their lineup, ranging up to a massive 3400MHz out of the box. Today's reviewed 3000C15 kit has been heralded by many enthusiasts worldwide. Time to take a closer look.

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G.Skill is one of the brands that has build a serious reputation amongst the enthusiast crowd. Mainly while as they remain one of the more affordable brands, nevertheless always allow for a lot of tweaking aka overclock potential. This Ripjaws 4 F4-3000C15Q 16GRR kit is no exception to that rule. Checking the DDR4 stats at HWBOT.org we see that G.Skill is the dominating DDR4 memory vendor with over 2000 submissions. Most of them have been achieved with the quad channel kit we reviewed today.



Though are these a necessity for your build? If you want a solid and fast subsystem than these are great bang for the buck. For those that use memory bandwidth hungry applications these will be a perfect match as they provide a great balance between price, speed and timings. Tweakers and Benchers already found their favorite memory set in this red G.Skill F4-3000C15 Quad Channel kit. Gamers don't need to apply as speeds nor timings really matter for their gaming experience.  A 2133MHz kit will suit their needs perfectly fine.



Tweaking wise the F4-3000C15 kit has lived up to the high expectations we had from it. Depending on the motherboard you use, you can seriously push these sticks, even beyond higher rated and thus far more expensive retail kits. We have tried these stick on several high end X99 motherboards from ASUS, ASRock and Gigabyte and could run these easily at CAS 14 at stock volts. With added voltage CAS 12 was a no brainer, this at far lower voltages than with the Corsair LPX kit. Pushing even more resulted in an impressive CAS11 bench stable configuration.

G.Skill has a stellar performing kit on offer here, combining great performance at an affordable price. In fact the 280 euros are entirely justified looking at the numbers this kit pumps out. Another great addition to the ever growing G.Skill lineup, therefore recommended from the MadShrimps crew!!






  • Hynix MFR ICs
  • Huge OC potential
  • Solid programmed SPD
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Great bang for the buck



  • nothing too mention





We wish to thank Joseph from G.Skill for the F4-3000C15Q 16GRR sample



Sven from ASUS for providing us with the Rampage V Extreme Motherboard



Kristof and Griet from Intel for the i7-5960X HSW-E processor

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