Thecus N2310 Soho/Home NAS Server Review

Storage/NAS by stefan @ 2014-08-19

This time we will review an entry-level NAS from Thecus, with an AMCC APM 86491 800MHz processor which is paired with 512MB of DDR3. The device works on the latest ThecusOS version and for storage expansion we have two USB ports, one of which is 2.0 and the other USB 3.0.

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Short GUI Presentation Part I

Right after we access the web interface, we will be prompted to log in:




A wizard is available, which will also help us create a volume in case we have opted for the “manual” procedure; the wizard will first prompt us to configure the notifications:




Then, we will go to the RAID volume creation menu, where we will select the respective drives and an automatic RAID setup will be created for us; Thecus advises that we should go to Storage->RAID->Create menu in order to specify a custom RAID type:




Next, we will be able to add a local user:





A confirmation window will appear, which will show us the options which we have previously selected:




The desktop of the ThecusOS is quite standard and not as feature-rich in terms of graphics or functionality, as we have seen with QNAP or Synology brands; initially, we only have the Shared Folder and RAID Management functions brought by default on the desktop, and here we will be also able to access OS updates, change users, reboot or shutdown the unit and more:




RAID Management allows us to create custom volumes, as we have mentioned before:




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