SteelSeries Sensei Wireless Gaming Mouse Review

Others/Mice & Keyboards by stefan @ 2014-07-02

Powered by the Pixart ADNS-9800, the Sensei Wireless mouse from SteelSeries is feature-packed and comes with a solid and professional-looking charging dock, which also acts as a wireless station. The mouse is backed by the most recent version of SteelSeries Engine 3 which will allow us to set different battery saving modes, customize LED lighting, acceleration, lift distance and many more.

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The Software GUI Part I

After running SteelSeries Engine 3, we were first prompted to perform a firmware update; afterwards we have been welcomed by a nice and clean interface which was showing the mouse in the center area and additional controls on the left and right sides. To be more precise, the left side contains the button programming section, while the right side features other controls like sensitivity, profiles and so on:




As suspected, we will be able to change the button functions easily and this also goes for the back logo, scroll wheel LED and also for the base:




For each button we will be able to assign a certain pre-programmed macro, a different mouse button, keyboard buttons, media buttons or we can deactivate that button completely:




Certain battery saving profiles can be selected, along with the adjustment of the sleep timer, sensor smart mode and a feature we did really like is Illumination Smart mode which turns off the logo lighting when we are operating the mouse:




Through the pre-programmed profiles, we can choose High-Performance mode, Balance mode, Power Saver Mode or Custom Mode:




Further down, we will be able to adjust the Acceleration, Deceleration, Lift Distance:




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