Shuttle XPC Barebone SZ87R6 Review

Others/All-in-one PC by stefan @ 2014-01-27

Shuttle has refreshed its latest XPC Barebone with a new configuration featuring the Z87 chipset, for allowing installation of the Intel Haswell processors and also features plenty of connectivity options. Thanks to the 500W power supply, we should not have a lot of issues when choosing a high performance video card, two 3.5’’ drives and a CPU with a rated TDP up to 95W.

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The Board BIOS Part II

From the Frequency and Voltage Configuration menu, we are able to work with the CPU OC Function, select the DRAM frequency, timings but also adjust the DIMM Voltage Setting:




By enabling the CPU OC Function, we will be able to select a custom ratio along with the power limits:




We can leave the Memory Profile on Auto, choose the available XMP or set manual timings:





The DIMM Voltage can be modified via preset increments:




The Boot menu is pretty self-explanatory:




From the Security tab we will be able to set a Supervisor and User password, adjust the Flash Write Protection or the Secure Boot Menu:





The last Save & Exit menu allows us to save and apply the modified settings, discard or load factory defaults:




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