Synology DS213j Home to Small Office 2-bay NAS Review
Storage/NAS by stefan @ 2013-10-15
Synology has NASes available for all price ranges. In this review we will look upon one of their offering aimed at budget conscious people, with two internal bays for 3.5’’ drives (for 2.5’’ we need to purchase an optional adapter), which also features a single-core 1.2Ghz processor along with 512MB of RAM and runs the latest version of DSM.
it's modularity with custom scripting, cronjobs and Hybrid Raid make it a worthy dedicated OS server replacement. What my server currently does, I can now mimic 99% of it under the DSM of Synology (tested with one at work):
- file server (duh!)
- print server
- backup to clould storage (amazon glacier default, crashplan+ through custom config)
- backup from clients to server (Acronis backup)
- iTunes media server
- streaming media (live conversion of formats to match client needs)
what I don't know it can do is scheduled automated FTP backups (have a cronjob running now that downloads a backup of the site through ftp, from what I can see, it's not easily done through the GUI... and even command line I didn't immediately see a copy-paste solution... to be investigated )
going to a NAS vs complete OS you do lose a lot of flexibility, in return you get more freedom of troubleshooting through tried&tested plug in modules you just add to your system.