Trio of Z87 OC Motherboards Tested

Motherboards/Intel S1150 by leeghoofd @ 2013-07-26

Today we will be looking at 3 high end Overclock optimized mainboards for Intel's 4th generation processors. Madshrimps received the Z87-OC Formula sample from ASRock, the Gigabyte Z87X-OC and MSI's Z87 XPOWER flagship. Three boards, although all listed in total different price categories, targeted specifically at the enthusiast crowd. Fully equipped to squeeze the last MHz out of your Haswell. Due to the specific nature of these particular boards we have adapted the review method slightly to go more into the efficiency aspect instead of listing all of the onboard features/chips.

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Stock 2D Results

We start off with two of HWBot's favourite tests: SuperPi 32M for the single threaded test and Wprime 1024 for the octacore action. We included Intel's D287KLT mainboard in the stock test suite as a reference. By comparing the multithreaded results versus the ones from the Intel board, we can directly spot who's sticking or not sticking too the Intel Turbo boost guidelines.

SuperPi 32M directly shows the battle will be fierce. Very close call and it seems even  the Intel board is showing potential. Sorry to directly burst a bubble, but take note that the Intel board set Command Rate 1T in stead off the CR 2T from the XMP that the other boards correctly loaded. Due to the aging bios ( dating back from May ) of the DZ87KLT we could not alter this setting, if the XMP profile was loaded. The Gigabyte Z87X-OC came out the fastest out of the three runs.



Wprime 1024 shows that the Gigabyte Z87X-OC and the MSI Z87 XPOWER board keep the cores in sync. The ASRock Z87OC Formula is a tad faster clock per clock then the Intel Board, ASRock has included the option Multi Core Enhancement in the bios to counteract the settings of the rival boards. Yet as we truly tested out of the box we did not opt to enable this setting. Go figure how some highly acclaimed websites get similar results across all the boards in a multi-threaded environment. Did some even conduct the tests or just adjusted more then they highlighted ? We will never know :p



In the AIDA bandwidth test most boards are pretty close, only the Gigabyte Z87X-OC is trailing the rest a little bit in the Read and Copy numbers. In the CPU Queen test we see again the effect of the aggressive dialed in Turbo modes of the Gigabyte and MSI mainboards. The Gigabyte board seems to have some AIDA Bandwidth issues, as again it finishes dead last here in the PhotoworXX test.



Similar outcome for the multi-threaded tests in Cinebench and, both the Gigabyte and MSI neck to neck , while the ASRock board has to battle it out with the Intel board. The Cinebench OpenGL test already reveals the Intel's board weakness in the graphics department.





To finish off the stock 2D testing, both the Gigabyte and MSI profit tremendously from their own Turbo interpretation. Once a single threaded test is conducted this advantage fades away and the ASRock is able to match and even surpass them.





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Comment from Teemto @ 2013/07/26
Really like the editor's note
Comment from NordWolfe @ 2013/08/03
Finally somebody with the balls to tell it like it is. Now I would just like somebody to call-out Intel, for their woeful/unacceptable manufacturing quality control on their CPUs, and AMD, for their incompetence that permits these abuses from their rivals. At least, so it seems, AMD is now hiring the right people for their CPU division. Hope this pays off quickly so that Intel loses it’s arrogance, and total lack of respect for it’s customers. For that to happen we need many more true reviewers, such as yourself, and not Corporate Whores, such as we see in most sites, and youtube channels.
I salute your courage, integrity, and the knowledge you have on your mission.
Comment from leeghoofd @ 2013/08/04
Thx guys for the feedback. It's not what the manufacturers or people from the PR team want to read, but at least it's the truth based on hard facts... apreciated that my hard works is applauded

