The 4-bay NAS server for home use and small business has arrived in a medium-sized cardboard box, with a really simple design:
The package contents are also listed on the exterior, along with a summary of product specifications:
For easy transportation, the box is provided with a plastic handle:
The NAS, along with its bundle are carefully packed inside, to avoid damages during shipping:
The previously mentioned bundle is located in a separate cardboard box:
Besides the power lead, we will receive a DVD with the software utility and user manual in electronic format, the necessary screws for mounting both 2.5’’ and 3.5’’ drives, but also two LAN cables:
The NAS enclosure is also wrapped in a transparent plastic bag:
AS-604T has a considerably smaller width than the DS412+ from Synology and sports a top aluminum cover, with a plastic front:
The drive trays come with ventilation grills and on the top we have a LED display which can show menus or display statistics when the NAS is online:
Ran in on a €100.000 Storage solution (iSCSI)
PhotoAlbum: 11.627MB/s
DirectoryCopyFromNAS: 23.304MB/s
DirectoryCopyToNAS: 14.129MB/s
FileCopyFromNAS : 45.147MB/s
FileCopyToNAS: 1149.257MB/s *
OfficeProductivity: 25.083MB/s
ContentCreation: 11.827MB/s
HDVideo_1Play_1Record: 87.289MB/s
HDVideo_1Record: 1280.751MB/s *
HDVideo_1Play: 60.779MB/s
HDVideo_2Play: 90.809MB/s
HDVideo_4Play: 143.016MB/s
scores marked * are skewed because of the test system having more than >2GB RAM.
overall I'd say that performance wise the AS-604T CPU is fast enough to not be a bottleneck performance wise; the SSD inside pushes it past A lot more expensive enterprise products