Scythe Kaze Master II Fan Controller Review

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2012-04-09

The new fan controller from Scythe has retractable buttons which are useful in a number of cases, but also includes features like 12V start-up voltage, alarms or power feed control. The VFD display in front lets us check the current fan speeds and temperatures (in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit) for each channel.

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Conclusive Thoughts

The new Kaze Master II fan controller from Scythe comes with some noticeable improvements compared to the previous iterations and these are the retractable knobs, the spin-up voltage feature and the power feed control.


The new design knobs are useful because they make the display look better with them in the retracted position, it is now harder to modify the fan speed setting by mistake and we can also install the controller onto cases with a front door, without worrying that the knobs will hit the insides of the panel.


The spin-up voltage is another useful feature and assures us that no fan remains stopped when we power on our computer; we have seen this situation happening many times when the fan controller setting was set at a value lower than the fan start-up voltage for a particular channel and the fan itself only moved for a centimeter or so and then stopped completely. The new fan controller feeds the fans 12V at beginning, no matter the setting they are put on and after some seconds they will return to the preset speed values.


By implementing the Power Feed Control, the fan controller will stop powering up the respective fan, in case no movement is detected for about 15 seconds; when this happens, an alarm will also sound, so we would know to investigate the situation.


Of course, the controller also features a dip switch, from where we can adjust the alarm function, display the degrees for the temperature channels in Celsius or Fahrenheit, or disable the Alarm function completely.


For future iterations, it would be great if the fan would have more than 4 channels, considering that many tower cases today have plenty of fans; another nice feature to add would be the ability to show the voltage per channel, as we have seen on the Lamptron fan controllers.


The Kaze Master II fan controller can be found in stores for about 32 Euros, a reasonable price for what we get.


Kaze Master II Fan Controller Recommended For:



I would like to thank again to Scythe and eTonix Media PR for making this review possible!


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